
World Food Safety Day 2024: Wishes, Quotes & Slogans

Food safety incidents will be brought to light on June 7, 2024, which is World Food Safety Day

Pratidin Bureau
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World  Food Safety Day 2024:  Wishes, Quotes & Slogans

world food safety day 2024 world food safety day 2024

Food safety incidents will be brought to light on June 7, 2024, which is World Food Safety Day. The subject for this year emphasizes the significance of being ready for any situation involving food safety, regardless of how minor or serious it may be.


Incidents with food safety occur when there is a known or suspected health risk connected to eating certain foods. A food incident may occur as a result of natural disasters, food fraud, insufficient controls, or accidents. Although legislators, food safety authorities, farmers, and food business owners must work hard to be prepared to handle food safety problems, consumers can also take an active part in the process.

World Food Safety Day wishes

  • "On World Food Safety Day, let's prioritize safe and nutritious food for all, ensuring a healthier and happier world."

  • "Each bite matters! On this World Food Safety Day, let's work together to promote healthy eating habits and safeguard the welfare of our communities."

  • "Food safety is an international issue. By working together, we can create a food system that is safer and provides for everyone's needs. "Happy World Food Safety Day, everyone!"

  • "A basic right is access to safe food. Let's strive to eradicate foodborne illnesses and guarantee global food security on this World Food Safety Day."

  • "Saving our health begins with eating wholesome meals. On this World Food Safety Day, let's increase awareness, exchange information, and take action to ensure a more secure and safe food supply."

  • "Let's maintain food safety regulations from farm to table. Let's pledge to follow safe procedures on this World Food Safety Day and protect our loved ones' health."

  • "We all have a shared duty for food safety. Let's empower people, groups, and governments to take action on World Food Safety Day and guarantee that everyone has access to safe food."

  • "Food safety is a global concern." Let's work together globally to improve food safety systems and safeguard public health on this World Food Safety Day."

  • "Foodborne infections can be avoided. Let's take advantage of World Food Safety Day to spread awareness, promote policies, and put safety precautions in place for our food and our health."

World Food Safety Day Slogans

  • "Safe Food, Healthy World!"

  • "Food Safety First, for a Nourished Future!"

  • "From Farm to Fork, Safe Food for All!"

  • "Ensuring Food Safety: A Global Priority!"

  • "Food Safety: Protecting Lives, Preserving Health!"

  • "Safe Food, Strong Communities!"

  • "Empowering Food Safety: Everyone's Responsibility!"

  • "Together for Safer Food, Brighter Tomorrow!"

  • "Good Food, Safe Food: Everyone Deserves Both!"

  • "Food Safety Matters: Let's Ensure a Sustainable Future!" 

World Food Safety Day  Famous Quotes

  1. “Part of the secret of success in life is to eat what you like and let the food fight it out inside.”-Mark Twain

  2. “One cannot think well, love well, sleep well if one has not dined well.”- Virginia Woolf


  4. “Let your food be your medicine, and your medicine be your food.”- Hippocrates

  5. “Food safety involves everybody in the food chain.” - Mike Johanns

  6. “We may find in the long run that tinned food is a deadlier weapon than the machine gun.”- George Orwell

  7. "Every member of the food industry, from farm to fork, must create a culture where food safety and nutrition is paramount." Bill Marler

  8. "Each stage of the supply chain that delivers food from the farm to the dinner table is obligated to improve, or at a minimum not degrade the food risk profile." Mike Robach

  9. “We're going to do everything possible to make sure that food safety is always paramount, and that we work with the industry as aggressively as we can to make sure that we're paying attention to the food-safety issues.” Mike Johanns

  10. "The goal of a food safety professional should be to create a food safety culture, not a food safety program." Frank Yiannas

Also Read: World Food Safety Day 2024: Importance, Theme & History