Delhi ChiefMinister Arvind Kejriwal today said that the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP)'s flagshipCCTV project will start from June 8. The CM said that the proposal and tenderfor 1.5 lakh CCTV cameras has been passed and survey for 70,000 cameras hasalready been completed.
CM Kejriwalsaid that the installation of CCTV cameras is likely to be completed byDecember adding that his cabinet will also pass another proposal for additional1.40lakh cameras by the month's end. He said that a total of 2.80 lakh cameraswill be installed across the city.
Kejriwalfurther stated that the government will also install CCTV cameras in schoolsadding that about 1.5lakh cameras will be installed in the schools. The projecthas been started and this project will be completed by November. He also saidthat work is also on for installing cameras in DTC buses.
The ArvindKejriwal-led government in Delhi had blamed the Centre for halting the projectand that they have kept the files on hold for several times. The project toinstall the CCTV cameras got the approval from the Delhi government in Augustlast year and three-years after the cabinet gave an in-principle approval tothe project.
It was inSeptember last year that the project got the administrative approval andexpenditure sanctions at a cost of Rs. 571.40crore.
In thebudget for 2019-20, the Delhi Government has kept Rs. 500crores forinstallation of cameras.