Union Home Minister Amit Shah announced on Saturday that the Central government is introducing three new laws that will bring significant changes to the criminal justice system in the country. He made this statement while attending the National Police Memorial Day to pay tribute to police personnel who lost their lives in the line of duty at the National Police Memorial in the national capital.
During his address at the event, Shah highlighted the crucial role played by the police force in maintaining both border and internal security. He commended the dedication of police officers who tirelessly work in all conditions, including adverse weather and holidays, to uphold law and order. He acknowledged the police's unwavering commitment in dealing with challenges such as terrorism, crime, and managing large crowds, all while ensuring the safety of the general population.
Shah also discussed the three new criminal laws that will replace the existing ones, emphasizing that these laws will not only reflect the essence of Indianness but also protect the rights of every citizen in accordance with the spirit of the Indian Constitution. He expressed confidence that the government would successfully reform the criminal justice system in the near future.
The Home Minister mentioned the upcoming "Amrit Kaal" as announced by the Prime Minister, which marks the period from the 76th year of independence until the centenary of independence. He stated that this is a time for the nation to strive for a top position in the world, with the collective commitment of 130 crore citizens.
Furthermore, Shah highlighted the significant reduction in terrorism, militancy, and naxal attacks, which he attributed to the dedicated efforts of the police force over the past year. He noted that the police had successfully maintained normalcy in areas affected by leftist extremism, the North East states, and Jammu and Kashmir, all while maintaining a zero-tolerance policy against terrorism. The government has implemented stringent laws and established the Police Technology Mission to enhance the effectiveness of the police force in countering terrorism.
'Police Commemoration Day' is observed annually to honor the memory of ten brave Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) personnel who lost their lives in an ambush by heavily armed Chinese troops in Hot Springs, Ladakh on October 21, 1959. The National Police Memorial, dedicated to the nation by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Police Commemoration Day in 2018, serves as a symbol of national identity, pride, unity, shared history, and destiny for all police forces in the country.