
Burqa banned in Kerala colleges

Burqa banned in Kerala colleges

Pratidin Bureau
New Update
Burqa banned in Kerala colleges

Amid a raging debate on whether burqa, won by Mulsimwomen to cover their face, should be banned in public places, a Keralaeducational group has banned face veil or Burqas from all schools and colleges.


Circular issued by Muslim Educational Society (MES)mentions that any dress which covers an individual's face will not bepermitted. The circular was passed by the Muslim Education Society in Calicuton April 17. Several organizations in Kerala have condemned the move sayingthat it goes against religious tenets and sentiments of the community.

The debate on burqa was ignited in India after SriLanka banned all type of 'face coverings' following a series of suicide attacksin which over 250 people were killed.

Yesterday, Shiv Sena triggered a massive row in acontroversial editorial of its mouthpiece Saamna where it demanded a burqa banin public places and urged Prime Minister Narendra Modi to follow Sri Lanka'ssuit, which banned face veils after deadly bomb blasts ripped through thecountry on Easter Sunday.

Shiv Sena Colleges Kerala Burqa Muslim women Muslim Education Society