A grant-in-aid of Rs 32.1 crore has been released by the AAP government on Tuesday to six Delhi University colleges fully funded it to pay salaries to staffers.
The government granted Rs 4 crore to Indira Gandhi Institute of Physical Education and Sports Sciences; Rs 6.8 crore to Acharya Narendra Dev College, Rs 4.65 crore to Shaheed Rajguru College of Applied Sciences for Women, Rs 5.80 crore to Maharaja Agrasen College, Rs 6.35 crore to Bhim Rao Ambedkar College and Rs 4.50 crore to Bhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences.
Delhi University Teacher's Association (DUTA) however said the grants are inadequate.
It said that the allocated amount does not cover all the expenses of these colleges.
"We hope that the Delhi government will at least transfer these funds to the colleges immediately. Unfortunately, the other six colleges still await the sanction," it said.
"All teachers of the Delhi University stand with their colleagues of these 12 colleges. We must remind the Delhi government that these divisive policies will not work with us," it added.
The colleges have alleged that the grants released by the city dispensation have been inadequate and they have not been able to pay salaries to their staffers since May, while the government has said it has released adequate funds.