India on Friday registered the highest single day rise of over 2.17 lakh COVID-19 cases pushing India's total tally to 1.43 crore.
The country added one million new cases to its total tally in last six days.
India's cumulative Covid-19 cases stood at 13,205,926 cases which soared to 14,291,927 cases on April 16, an addition of 1,086,001 cases.
A record single-day rise of 2,17,353 new infections took India's total tally of Covid-19 cases to 1,42,91,917, while active cases surpassed the 15-lakh mark, according to the Union health ministry data updated on Friday.
The death toll increased to 1,74,308 with 1,185 new fatalities, the highest since September 19, 2020, the data updated at 8 am showed.
The active caseload was at its lowest at 1,35,926 on February 12 and it was at its highest at 10,17,754 on September 18, 2020.