The Mumbai Police on Thursday morning arrested two people in connection with an attack on Republic TV's Editor-in-Chief Arnab Goswami and his wife. Goswami was attacked by some goons who came in two-wheeler on his way home from the office on Wednesday night.
A FirstInformation Report was filed at the NM Joshi Marg Police Station under IndianPenal Code Sections 341 (punishment for wrongful restraint) and 504(intentional insult with intent to provoke breach of peace), the police said.
However, Goswami has blamed Congress for the attack.
In a video message, Goswami said that two men on a bike had attacked his car while he and his wife Samyabrata Ray were returning to their home around 12.15 am on Wednesday midnight. He said that the men initially tried to break the window panes of his car. But when they were unable to do it, and Goswami tried to move the car away, they threw some liquid-filled bottles and again tried to break the windows, he said, adding that he then swerved his car away and drove into his building.
#BREAKING | Arnab's message after being physically attacked by Congress goons #SoniaGoonsAttackArnab
— Republic (@republic) April 22, 2020
His security personnel caught the two men, Goswami said, claiming that they were members of the Youth Congress. "They had tailed me and they were given information by higher-ups to attack me," Goswami said. "I want to tell you, Sonia Gandhi, you are the biggest coward in the country right now…You have no guts to face me…I will hold you personally responsible for any consequences of any attack on me. If anything were to happen to me, it is Sonia Gandhi who is responsible." He added that the [Robert] Vadra family would also be held responsible.
The alleged attackcame days after Goswami launched a full-blown attack on Congress leader SoniaGandhi and claimed that she had orchestrated the Palghar lynching.
Meanwhile, Indian National Congress (INC) Spokesperson Sanjay Jha tweeted replying to Arnab's allegations over Congress for attacking him. He wrote, "Let's get this straight, #ArnabGoswami attacked Mrs Sonia Gandhi using vile, vicious and repugnant language to push one thing; #BJP's dangerous communal propaganda. That's the fundamental issue, religious polarisation. Playing victim card is old strategy. Grow up, loser."
Let's get this straight , #ArnabGoswami attacked Mrs Sonia Gandhi using vile, vicious and repugnant language to push one thing; #BJP's dangerous communal propaganda. That's the fundamental issue, religious polarisation.
Playing victim card is old strategy. Grow up, loser.
— Sanjay Jha (@JhaSanjay) April 23, 2020
Several complaints have reportedlybeen filed against Goswami in many parts of the country.
Though several people have tried to give the incident a communal angle, Maharashtra Home Minister Anil Deshmukh on Wednesday shared the list of 101 people taken into custody in connection with the lynching and said none of those arrested were Muslim.