TheNational Investigation Agency (Amendment) Bill, 2019 has been passed in the LokSabha on Monday after a heated debate between the Union Home Minister Amit Shahand the Opposition.
The bill amends the National Investigation Agency (NIA) Act, 2008 that provides for a national-level agency to investigate and prosecute offences listed in the scheduled offences. The Act also allows for the creation of Special Courts for the trial of scheduled offences.
Thebill passed in the Lok Sabha will allow NIA to investigate the offences inaddition to human trafficking which is increasing in the country, offencesrelated to counterfeit currency or bank notes, manufacture or sale ofprohibited arms, cyber-terrorism and offences under the Explosive SubstancesAct, 1908.
AmitShah, while refuting oppositions claims over misuse of the NIA law, said thatthe Modi-led government will never misuse the law based on religion but ensurethat terrorism is finished off irrespective of the religion of the accused.
Someof the MPs said that the anti-terror law is misused at times to target membersof a particular community to which Shah said that the Modi government has nosuch intention and that it's only goal is to finish off terrorism but that itwill also not look at the religion of the accused while taking action.