Dr. Pramod Kumar Mishra has been appointed as the new Principal Secretary to Prime Minister Narendra Modi with effect from September 11. He will replace Nripendra Mishra, PM's long-serving aide who resigned last month after a five-year stint as the top bureaucrat in the central government.
Mishra, a Gujaratcadre Indian Administrative Service officer belonging to the 1972 batch heldposts like Secretary Agriculture & Cooperation and Chairman, StateElectricity Regulatory Commission. He was also the Additional PrincipalSecretary to the PM.
According to apress statement released by the government, Mishra managed programmes across anumber of different sectors including agriculture, disaster management,infrastructure and power and regulatory issues. He was also involved in schemeslike the National Agriculture Development Programme and the National FoodSecurity Mission.
The government also confirmed that PK Sinha's appointment as Principal Advisor to the Prime Minister who is functioning as Officer on Special Duty (OSD) in the Prime Minister's office.