The Tamil Nadu government has extended the lockdown till July 12 with uniform relaxations throughout the state.
The new set of relaxations however allowed dine-in with 50% occupancy in restaurants till 8 pm. Tea shops will also be allowed to remain open with 50% occupancy.
According to the new set of relaxations issued by the Tamil Nadu government, clubs will be allowed to function only for the gym, sports, and restaurants. Hotels, lodges, guest houses will be allowed to remain open. IT companies can function with a 50% workforce. Museums and ASI sites will be open till 5 pm.
Apart from this, Gyms and Yoga studios can also function with 50% occupancy. Liquor shops will be kept open from 10 am-8 pm. Amusement parks, however, are allowed to operate without water games.
Intra-district and inter-district public transport has also been allowed with 50% seating capacity.
A total of 50 guests are allowed for wedding functions and 20 for funerals.
The deadline for shops in containment zones has been extended to 8 pm.
Zoos, theaters, swimming pools, are not allowed to operate. Similarly, no permission has been given for social and political gatherings. Schools and colleges continue to remain closed.
The state government has divided the 38 districts in the state into three categories to streamline its response to the pandemic. The first category has 11 hotspot districts, the second has 23 districts with lower active case counts and the third has four districts, including Chennai, where the situation has significantly improved.
Earlier, the state government had extended several relaxations to Group-II and Group-III districts. Now, uniform relaxations are in place across the state.
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