Chile Wildfire Eradicates Hundreds of Homes

Chile's national forest association CONAF said that the Area affected by the fires amounted to over 300,000 hectares.
Chile Wildfire Eradicates Hundreds of Homes
Chile Wildfire Eradicates Hundreds of Homes
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Wildfire across the South American Country of Chile have left 24 people dead. The fire has swallowed up hundreds of houses after ragging overnight. The fire burnt out the habitats of vulnerable woodland animals.

Chile's national forest association CONAF said that the Area affected by the fires amounted to over 300,000 hectares.

Authorities have said that around 2,180 people have been injured and 1,180 houses have been destroyed. South-central Biobio, Araucania and Nuble regions are the places with most of the deaths and damages.

The Government had declared a curfew in some of the provinces last week. In the rehabilitation centre in Chillan, the capital of the Nuble region, veterinarians treated burns on animals native to the woodland.

In the early days of February, a massive wildfire outbreak of at least 231 individual fires burned a total of almost 30,974,700 acres. This caused the Government to declare a state of emergency in multiple regions of the country.

Rene Garreaud from the University of Chile said the extremely high temperatures are driven by warm naturally-recurring Puelche winds blowing from the east, superimposed on a warmer climate. Interior Minister, Manuel Monslave, confirmed that 17 people have been arrested for possibly starting fires by such activities.

5,600 firefighters and volunteers are fighting against fires across multiple regions; a DC-10 air tanker from the United States was brought to the country to join the firefighters.

Many countries across the world are helping Chile to fight against wildfire. Argentina sent 40 brigade members, 15 trucks and a helicopter. Brazil gave logistical support through brigade members. The United States sent financial support of 50 thousand Dollars. Besides, there were other countries who forwarded a helping hand to Chile.

It is to be mentioned that Chile has been suffering from a mega drought since 2010. These drought conditions escalate summer fires because the vegetation becomes more flammable.

Chile Wildfire Eradicates Hundreds of Homes
13 Killed as Wildfire Razes Across South-Central Chile; State Of Emergency Declared

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