The International Crime Police Organization, also called Interpol has issued a Red Corner Notice against Karanvir Singh, a member of the banned terrorist group Babbar Khalsa International, reports emerged on Monday.
According to sources, Karanvir Singh is suspected to be hiding in Pakistan and was a member of the pro-Khalistan terrorist group Babbar Khalsa International.
Notably, a Red Corner Notice is a request to law enforcement of Interpol’s member countries to find and temporarily detain a person until extradition, surrender, or a similar legal process can take place.
Further, as per reports, Singh is wanted by India for criminal conspiracy, murder, offences related to the Arms Act, and Explosive Substances Act, raising funds for terrorist acts, conspiracy, and being a member of a terrorist gang or organization.
Earlier, Interpol issued a Red Notice to all member countries against gangster Himanshu alias Bhau, who is believed to be living abroad.