Jain Shikanji, a renowned brand from Modinagar, Uttar Pradesh, has officially inaugurated its first Northeast outlet and restaurant at Chaigali in Fancy Bazar. The inauguration ceremony was graced by Pragati Jain, Harsha Jain, Sunita Jain, and Manisha Jain.
The event was attended by several notable figures including Guwahati Jain Shikanji franchisee partner Ajit Jain, Paras Jain, Ajit Kumar Jain, Jain Shikanji Brand Head Sugandh Jain, and well-known jeweller Anil Jain.
The new restaurant, a G+2 structure spanning approximately 5000 square feet, can accommodate around 125 guests. It offers a diverse menu featuring South Indian, North Indian, Chinese, Continental dishes, and hot pakodas, alongside a variety of spicy Shikanji beverages. Local franchise partner Paras Jain highlighted that the restaurant aims to provide a unique dining experience with authentic flavors.
Partner Ajit Jain announced that online ordering will soon be available through platforms like Swiggy and Zomato. Jain Shikanji Brand Head Sugandh Jain emphasized that the brand, which is already popular in North India, has opened its 16th outlet nationwide. She noted that the Shikanji, prepared with cumin, celery, black pepper, and nosidhi, is both delicious and healthful, offering a refreshing alternative to conventional cold drinks.
The Guwahati Jain Shikanji outlet promises to deliver the distinct taste of Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan, appealing to Shikanji lovers and setting a new benchmark in the region’s dining scene.