India reported its second Omicron death from Udaipur in Rajasthan on Friday. The 73-year-old was also suffering from hypertension and diabetes, said reports. The man had tested negative for COVID-19 on December 21 but four days later, he contracted the new variant of the virus.
The hospital authorities have suspected that the man might died due to the effect of post-COVID pneumonia.
Earlier on Thursday, a 52-year-old man who had tested positive for the new variant of coronavirus died of a cardiac arrest in the Pimpri district of Maharashtra. The state, however attributed the demise to his underlying medical situation and chose not to declare it the first casualty of the variant
As per the reports, the deceased, a chronic diabetic patient, had recently arrived from Nigeria. He passed away following a heart attack, at the YB Chavan Hospital, in Pimpri Chinchwad (Pune) on Tuesday and his reports on Thursday confirmed he was afflicted by Omicron.
Meanwhile, India witnessed the highest single-day rise of 309 cases of the Omicron variant of the coronavirus, taking the country's tally of such cases to 1,270, the Union health ministry said on Friday. It also recorded 16,764 fresh COVID-19 cases and 220 more fatalities due to the viral disease.
Of the 1,270 patients infected with the Omicron variant of the virus, 374 have either recuperated or migrated, according to the ministry's data. Of the 23 states and Union territories that have recorded Omicron cases so far, Maharashtra has registered the highest number of 450, followed by Delhi (320), Kerala (109) and Gujarat (97).
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