Amid the row over actor Jatin Bora’s new movie ‘Raghav’, Assam Pradesh Congress Committee (APCC) president Bhupen Borah on Sunday asserted that one of the reasons behind the controversy is the actor’s engagement with certain people.
Borah said, “No doubt, Jatin Bora is one of the versatile and excellent actors in the Assamese film industry and I have also heard his latest movie ‘Raghav’ is entertaining and good. But yet, his movie is not receiving the appreciation as it should have.”
"I feel the possible reason behind not receiving appreciation for his recently released movie is due to his engagement with certain people with political backgrounds. Maybe for this Jatin has been entangled in controversy," he added.
It may be mentioned that Jatin Bora’s new Assamese movie ‘Raghav’ got caught in a controversy after it was released on October 27, 2023.