In an update to the tragic incident in Guwahati's Chandmari where a woman fell to her death, police on Sunday detained a man, a resident of the apartment in connection with the matter.
The matter pertains to the death of 24-year-old Tangsi K Sangma, originally from neighbouring state Meghalaya, residing in Guwahati, who allegedly fell from her own flat on the sixth floor of Subansiri Apartment, adjacent to the Government Press in Guwahati's Bamunimaidam area on Saturday.
According to the information received, the person, identified as Mahendra Chand was detained by the officials of crime branch early on Sunday morning. It has emerged that he is linked to another major case which the Guwahati Police are investigating.
The detained Mahendra Chand is also linked to the major cyber fraud case that has rocked Guwahati with the police making several arrests so far.
Meanwhile, the police have kept the body of the deceased woman at the Gauhati Medical College and Hospital (GMCH) morgue for autopsy.
The accused Mahendra Chand was taken to the Chief Judicial Magistrate's (CJM) court where the crime branch sought his custody. Thereafter he was arrested and taken into custody for five days.
The deceased young woman lived on Flat No 6B of Subansiri Apartment. Later on as investigations proceeded into the case, it was found to be intertwined with the cyber fraud case that has rocked the city police. The major cyber fraud scheme is being run from several call centres across the city.
According to officials, several employees of these fraudulent call centres used to visit the flat regularly from which the woman fell to her death.
The fraudsters allegedly discussed, charted out plans and course of actions during meetings at the flat.
Against earlier belief that the death was accidental, police are now inclined towards the notion that the woman jumped to death after the cyber fraud was busted and several people were arrested.
Mahendra Chand is thought to be the overseer of all fraudulent operations carried out from that apartment building. He has been taken into custody and is undergoing interrogation.