In a distressing incident, three students from the Bhanwari Devi Saraogi Government Higher Secondary School for Hearing Impaired, Kahilipara, Guwahati have gone missing from their hostel on Sunday.
The missing students, identified as Rakesh Mohan Sarkar from Dhubri, Akash Hussain from Nalbari, and Akashjyoti Gogoi from Jorhat, were last seen in the hostel early in the morning.
The sudden disappearance of the students has left their families in a state of panic as they frantically search for their children. The families have expressed their deep concern and are urging the school authorities to take swift action.
Notably, in a dramatic turn of events, two of the missing students, Rakesh Mohan Sarkar and Akash Hussain, were found hiding in the vocational craft section of the school. Their rescue has provided some relief to their worried families, but the whereabouts of the third student, Akashjyoti Gogoi, remain unknown.
The incident has raised serious questions about the safety and security measures at the school. Parents and guardians are particularly upset with the school authorities, accusing them of negligence and failing to take immediate action when the students were first reported missing.
As the search for Akashjyoti Gogoi continues, the school administration is under pressure to explain how such an incident could occur and to ensure the safety of all students under their care.