Two Uttar Pradesh men were nabbed in Guwahati with a fake gold item and cash on Monday. They were caught in a raid carried out by the special task force (STF) of Assam Police.
According to officials, they had specific inputs of the movement of the two based on which a raid was organized and conducted at Accounts Colony Road near Nilachal flyover in Maligaon under the jurisdiction of Jalukbari Police Station.
During the raid, officials came across a fake gold boat-shaped item weighing 1.365 grams which was seized along with cash worth Rs 4,700 and a hacksaw blade.
Additionally, the officials apprehended two persons. While one of them was identified as Ahamad aged 28 years and a resident of Shora village under Jaitpura Police Station in Uttar Pradesh's Banaras district, the other was Rahis Ahamad aged 40 years and a resident of Bhishodhi village under Mugalsarai Police Station in the Chandauli district.
Both have been processed for further legal action and more details are yet to surface.