The Special Task Force (STF) of the Assam Police on Saturday morning seized a Fake Indian Currency Note (FICN) making machine along with a large amount of fake cash and gold from a house in Guwahati’s Boragaon area.
One person has been arrested in connection to the seizure.
Acting on specific inputs, the STF team conducted a raid at the house of one Abhinah Sarkar (28), located at Debkota Nagar in Pachim Boragaon under Jalukbari PS today morning.
Besides the fake currency printing machine, the police seized FICN valued at Rs 1,02,500 (205 notes of denomination 500) and four pieces of fake gold in different shapes including boat and biscuit, weighing 2.86 kilograms. One mobile phone was also seized from Sarkar’s possession.
The arrested individual hails from Jorhat district and had been residing at Boragaon since a long time.
An investigation to unearth further linkages is on.