A violent incident unfolded late at Tuesday night at Play Girl bar in Guwahati’s Christian Basti, where the bar's owner and manager allegedly assaulted multiple employees amid ongoing salary disputes.
The confrontation began late at night when employees, demanding overdue salaries, argued with the bar’s management. The situation escalated, resulting in the owner and manager allegedly physically attacking several staff members.
As per reports, the bar owner has been accused of withholding salaries from 15 employees for several months. In a bid to resolve the financial dispute, a heated argument ensued. Eyewitnesses claim that the owner, along with the manager, attacked the employees, with the incident shocking onlookers, including many young patrons at the bar.
The violence reportedly extended beyond the employees, with female staff also being targeted by the assailants. The altercation created a chaotic scene, prompting a swift response from the local police.
The Paltanbazar police arrived at the scene overnight to control the situation and investigate the allegations. The police are currently looking into the details of the case and the extent of the violence inflicted.