In an unexpected turn of events, a biker was injured after he found himself in a collision with an unmarked police barricade on a foggy Sunday night in Guwahati’s Survey area.
Sources informed that the barricade, initially unnoticed, was strategically placed on the road for the installation of a hoarding banner, lacking any visible warning signs or reflectors.
Amidst the confusion, the injured biker somehow helped himself up and dialed 108 multiple times seeking help, but assistance remained elusive until a compassionate passerby intervened. Offering a much-needed lift, the good Samaritan transported the injured biker to a local hospital.
The narrative takes an intriguing twist as the company responsible for the banner installation pointed fingers at the biker, alleging intoxication as the primary factor behind the collision. Meanwhile, in contrast, police sources claim they were uninformed about the barricade and emphasize the absence of official permission for its placement.
Currently, the injured biker is undergoing medical treatment at the hospital however, the question of who is accountable for the accident still lingers.