After the arrest of two men in Guwahati on Friday, a major cyber crime nexus has surfaced. The duo has been accused of supplying cyber fraudsters with bank accounts opened unscrupulously by praying on small businesses.
The crime branch's cyber cell today arrested Babu Das and Anvesh Chand from different locations — Uzan Bazar and Beltola — in Guwahati. Following their arrest, the police came to know of the extent of their criminal links.
As per the officials, the duo tricked small business owners across Guwahati to access their details using which they opened bank accounts in their name. The business owners would never know about the existing bank accounts in their names.
Meanwhile, the accused individuals would sell these bank accounts to cyber criminals and hackers. The accounts would be used by the criminals to park money, mostly stolen from victims of cyber fraud. This use of proxy bank accounts essentially erased any links that authorities could establish with the criminals.
When courted by reporters outside the police station, they were silent. They have been processed for further legal action. The police have kept the door open for more arrests as investigations continue into the case.