In a bizarre incident, a group of three to four girls were spotted crossing the newly inaugurated Shraddhanjali Flyover in Guwahati’s Zoo road while sitting atop a moving vehicle, reports emerged on Saturday.
In an undated viral video, it was seen that the Hyundai vehicle, bearing the registration number AS01 EM 9222, took a u-turn at Commerce Point and headed to cross the flyover where the girls were spotted sitting on the roof of the vehicle.
The video has triggered a reaction among the citizens raising safety concerns and demanding stringent action against the driver and the girls.
Earlier today, a driver in an inebriated state crashed into the railings boundary of the Assam map structure at the prominent Zoo Tiniali trisection atop Shraddhanjali Flyover in Guwahati’s Zoo Road area during the early hours.
According to sources, the XUV 700, bearing the registration number AS01 FP 3591, was heading Ganeshguri side from Chandmari area when it crashed into the railing boundary of the state map structure causing significant damage.
As a result of the accident, a home guard and a civilian sustained injuries and were rushed to a nearby hospital for immediate medical attention.