
AMA To Organise 5 Day Adventure Course For Youth

AMA To Organise 5 Day Adventure Course For Youth

Pratidin Bureau
New Update
AMA To Organise 5 Day Adventure Course For Youth


The AMA has invited interested youths who wish to enroll in the program to register themselves.


The Assam Mountaineering Association (AMA) on Saturday announced plans to organise a training program for the youth, commencing from November 28.

The AMA, a pioneer organisation in the field of promoting mountaineering and adventure sports in the northeast, announced a five-day course starting November 28 for the youth. The course will be conducted for those between 14 years to 45 years of age. The dates for the program are November 28, December 5, 11, 19, 26.

The organisation aims to breed the next generation of mountaineers. Suitable trainees selected from the program will be taken to higher Himalayan ranges, as part of the next phase of training.

For that, the AMA has invited interested youths who wish to enroll in the program to register themselves. Forms will be available from their office at R G Baruah Sports Complex, Ulubari, Guwahati. The office will be open from 5 pm to 7 pm on all working days.

Enquiries may be made at the following contacts:

Phone: 8404093977, 9678476143


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Assam Guwahati Assam Mountaineering Association