Bhramyaman theatre in Assam reopened on Tuesday after being shut for over two years in light of the Covid-19 pandemic. Also known as ‘The Roving Theatre of Assam’, it is situated in the Nagaon district of the state.
The theatre, which involves the participation of people through performing arts, has been a part of the state’s cultural heritage.
Mridul Bhuyan, a popular star of Bhramyaman, was quoted by ANI as saying, “During the sudden closure of all performances for around two years, we had to pass through a tremendous crisis.”
Bhuyan thanked the Assam government for the approval to reopen the theatre in light of the receding cases of Covid-19.
He said, "There are many untold stories of survival during the Coronavirus pandemic that have taught us a different lesson. We, the theatre artists never thought of savings, because with the flow of roving/mobile theatre, we simply carry on our journey of life.”
Dhananjit Talukdar, a theatre performer said, “The Itihas Theatre is the first among them who presented the first show to bring the traditional flavour in Guwahati. And the response of the audience is gradually increasing to come to see the performances of the artists. They have a show on April 3, 4, 5 continue at Nagaon town.”
Meanwhile, spectators along with artists hope for the state government’s continued support in the form of better opportunities for these artists.