In a significant operation orchestrated by Rangia police, five individuals were apprehended from a hotel situated along the Rangia station road during the late hours of Friday night. Acting on confidential intelligence, police swiftly moved in and successfully detained the suspects.
During the meticulous operation, authorities confiscated vital evidence including six mobile devices, a counterfeit gold ingot, a sizable sum of Rs 240 from a bundle suspected to be counterfeit currency, and a distinct red-colored Maruti Swift vehicle bearing the registration number AS 01 FK 9901.
The individuals in custody were identified as Shahidul Islam, Shafiqul Islam, Abu Taher, Annas Ali, and Abdul Malek.
As the investigation progresses, the detainees are undergoing thorough interrogation by the police to extract further insights and unravel the intricate details of their alleged illicit activities.