In a tragic incident, one person lost his life after being attacked by a swarm of bees at Nagrijuli in Assam’s Tamulpur.
The deceased man has been identified as Sobiram Boro (48), who was employed as an office assistant at the Nagrijuli High School.
According to reports, the incident occurred when Boro was on his routine morning walk towards the Bornadi River along with another person.
When the duo reached the banks of the river, a swarm of bees surrounded them, reports said. The other person divided into a water body and saved his life. However, he was stung by the bees on his face.
Unfortunately, Boro could not escape the attack and within a few seconds he was stung by over 500 bees all over his body.
According to his friend, Boro fell unconscious after the attack. He was admitted at the Nagrijuli Hospital immediately. But as his health deteriorated, he was referred to the Swasti Hospital in Rangia.
However, he breathed his last on the way to the hospital.
A pall of gloom has descended in the Nagrijuli area after the death of Sobiram Boro.