The Assam Police launched its official YouTube channel titled 'The Assam Police Channel' on Sunday. Assam Director General of Police (DGP) GP Singh launched the channel in the presence of many senior officers and their families at a ceremony held in the Assam Police Headquarters in Guwahati’s Ulubari.
The YouTube channel would act as an interface to facilitate closer cooperation between the people and Assam Police.
The event also witnessed the launch of the Assam Police folk orchestra and the awarding of the commendation silver medal to Lankeswar Kalita, UBC of Jalukbari Outpost for his selfless and courageous action in saving the life of a boy.
Speaking at the occasion, DGP GP Singh stated that the Assam Police aims to strengthen its bond with the citizens of the state and work towards a safer and more secure society.
GP Singh said, “The Assam Police already have its popular social media handles on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and with the launch of the YouTube channel, the gap will be further narrowed down. The YouTube channel and the various cultural initiatives taken up with the launch of the folk orchestra by the Assam Police will help to foster community relations, and people will be able to understand the functioning of the police force in a better way.”
Harmeet Singh, Spl.DGP (Administration), Hiren Nath, ADGP (SB), Diganta Barah, Commissioner of Police, Guwahati and Partha Sarathi Mahanta, DIGP (Admin) were among senior officers and dignitaries who attended the event.