The sleuths of the Directorate of Vigilance & Anti-Corruption on Tuesday arrested a government officer on bribery charges in Assam’s Darrang district. The arrested individual has been identified as Bidyut Kr Talukdar posted as the District Agriculture Officer, the office of which is located in Mangaldai.
According to the vigilance cell, Talukdar was trapped and caught red-handed after he accepted a bribe for nominating the name of the complainant for training.
Taking to platform ‘X’, the office of anti-corruption cell wrote, “Today @DIR_VAC_ASSAM trapped red handed Bidyut Kr Talukdar, District Agricultural Officer, in his office after he accepted bribe for nominating the name of the complainant for a training. “
Earlier last month, the sleuths of the Directorate of Vigilance and Anti-Corruption arrested one Lat Mandal under graft charges in Guwahati city.
The Lat Mandal identified as Achyut Das, posted at Guwahati Revenue Circle was caught red-handed while accepting Rs 5,000 as part of the demanded bribe from the complainant for processing mutation works.
Earlier, a complaint was received at this Directorate of Vigilance & Anti-Corruption, Assam, alleging that Achyut Das, Lat Mandal of office of the Circle Officer, Guwahati Revenue Circle, Kamrup Metropolitan district, demanded Rs.9,000 as bribe from the complainant for processing mutation works of the complainant. Later, the Lat Mandal had reduced the amount of bribe to Rs. 8,000.
Unwilling to pay the bribe, the complainant approached this Directorate for taking necessary legal action against the above-mentioned public servant.
Accordingly, a trap was laid today by a team from the Directorate of Vigilance and Anti-Corruption, Assam, in the office of the Circle Officer, Guwahati Revenue Circle, Ulubari, Kamrup Metropolitan district.
Das was caught red handed and the tainted bribe money was recovered from his possession, in presence of independent witnesses.