In a disturbing incident in Dibrugarh town, two youths allegedly molested a woman in the Milan Nagar area. The incident occurred on Saturday evening, sparking outrage in the local community amidst nationwide protests over the recent rape and murder of a woman doctor in Kolkata’s at RG Kar Medical College and Hospital.
According to reports, the victim woman, who works at a local shop, was returning home around 8:00 PM when the two men on a bike approached her. They allegedly touched her inappropriately and attempted to drag her into a dark lane.
The woman, recounting the incident, told the media, "I came out from my workplace to go home around 8 PM. I had some household things to purchase; thus, I got a bit late, say around 8:30 PM. Meanwhile, a two-wheeler crossed me. I didn’t notice who was riding it, as my focus was on my mobile. The two-wheeler then came towards me from the front and touched me on my chest and also dragged my hand. I sought help from a person to chase them, but didn’t find them. Later, I saw them standing near my home. When my brother and I confronted them, they denied our claims. One of the youth’s elder sister abused me for accusing them."
The victim also revealed that the police responded swiftly to the complaint, collected CCTV footage to identify the suspects.
Meanwhile, the two suspects were detained on Sunday night based on an FIR lodged by the victim at the Milan Nagar police station. The suspects were taken for medical examination and are currently under investigation.
The victim expressed concerns over the increasing incidents of eve-teasing in Dibrugarh, saying, "There has been a rise in drug peddling, smuggling, and eve-teasing in the city. We don’t feel safe here. Today, I faced this issue, tomorrow another girl or woman might face the same problem. Thus, I need justice.”
The incident has also drawn attention from the All Assam Students Union (AASU), Dibrugarh unit, which voiced serious concerns over the safety of women in the area.
A member of AASU stated, "Today, a woman or a girl in Dibrugarh has to think twice before stepping out of their house. If a woman feels unsafe while roaming in Dibrugarh even in the daylight hours, then this is a failure of the district administration and the Dibrugarh police. The culprits, if found guilty, should be punished as per the law, or else women won’t be able to come out of their homes here. There have been ample news reports on drug peddling in the area under Milan Nagar police station. If properly searched, many more drug peddlers will be nabbed from the area. There are many notorious youths engaged in such illicit practices apart from drug dealing."