In yet another tragic incident, a police constable and the Protective Service Officer (PSO) of the Golaghat Superintendent of Police was found hanging inside the premises of police quarters on Wednesday.
The deceased police constable was identified as Rakesh Rai.
According to initial reports, it is still not known what prompted the policeman to take this extreme step. The policeman's body was brought to Shaheed Kushal Konwar Civil Hospital in Golaghat for post-mortem examination.
Three days back, a senior police constable was also found hanging at a Battalion camp in Assam’s Cachar district. The incident came to light last Sunday morning.
According to sources, the incident was reported in 6th Assam Police Battalion camp in Cachar’s Kathal area where the constable was found hanging inside a room.
The deceased has been identified as Biplab Chakraborty, a resident of Cachar itself.
Upon finding him in this shocking condition, his colleagues informed the higher authorities who later informed the police.
The police then arrived at the camp and recovered the body of the constable.
The body was then sent to Silchar Medical College and Hospital (SMCH) for post-mortem examination.
Also Read: Assam Police Constable Found Hanging in Cachar