
Assam Govt to Fill Up Vacancies in Grade III, IV

Assam cabinet approved filling up the vacancies for the posts in which the candidates selected in the examination for Grade III and Grade IV did not join.

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Concluding Day of Assam Direct Recruitment Exam Today

Assam Govt to Fill Up Vacancies in Grade III, IV

In a weekly cabinet meeting, the Assam cabinet on Saturday approved filling up the vacancies for the posts in which the candidates selected in the examination for Grade III and Grade IV did not join.


The cabinet approved that to fill the posts where candidates selected in the examination for Grade III and Grade IV posts did not join, other candidates who were not selected but secured the same cut-off marks in the respective lowest Grade Pay category in the recruitment examination will be appointed.

The criteria set by the cabinet for filling up the vacant posts are:

  • Maximum vacancies will be filled up with candidates who have already appeared in the recruitment process and obtained the same cut-off marks

  • The number of posts to be filled up in this category will depend upon the vacancies communicated by the respective administrative departments

It may be mentioned that the results to fill up numerous Grade-III and Grade IV positions in the Government of Assam were declared on May 3 and 4 respectively. The results for the examination conducted by the Assam State Level Recruitment Commission were declared on the Board of Secondary Education, Assam (SEBA) official website. However, it is noticed that several selected candidates did not join the posts or resigned after joining due to which the cabinet decided to fill up the vacancies.

Meanwhile, Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma, taking to Twitter, informed of the several other decisions taken as part of the cabinet meeting held earlier in the day.

The following includes the key decisions:

Government’s Additional Equity in NRL Project

  • Government to invest Rs. 823 crore as additional equity in the Expansion Project of Numaligarh Refinery Limited (NRL) against the ‘Right issue of Additional Equity Share of 74809091 nos. to the Govt of Assam’

  • Rs. 205.72 crore to be released by Government of Assam towards the first call against the total right Shares amounting to Rs. 823 crore

  • NRL has undertaken a major expansion project at an estimated cost of Rs. 28,026 crore for:

  1. Refinery expansion from existing 3 MMT to 9 MMT

  2. Laying of 1,398 km Crude Pipeline from Paradeep to Numaligarh

  3. Laying of 605-km Product Pipeline from Numaligarh to Siliguri

  • The proposed expansion project of NRL to bring an investment of Rs. 28,026 crore in the state

Streamlining Monthly Accounting

  • Revised Procedure for online submission of monthly accounts relating to Works and Forest Department to Accountant General’s (AG) office

  • Approval to:

  1. Online submission of consolidated monthly accounts to AG

  2. Dispensing with manual cheque drawal for works-related expenditure through submission of online treasury bills forms TR59 and TR60

  3. Dispensing with operating remittance head of account 8782 for Works/Forest expenditure

  4. Draft Assam Treasury (Amendment) Rules, 2023

The proposed system shall streamline Works/Forest accounts through technical integration, resulting in timely accounting and facilitating generation of real-time information regarding finance through civil accounts which in turn will help in taking decisions

Also Read: Assam Govt Issues Guidelines For Grade III, IV Recruitment Process

Assam cabinet Grade III and IV