On Wednesday, a team from the Guwahati police visited the residence of Assamese singer Dikshu Sarma. This visit followed confirmation that absconding couple Sumi Borah and her husband, Tarkik Borah, had recently been at Sharma's home before their disappearance.
Speaking to the media, Dikshu Sarma said, “The police came and interrogated me regarding the case. I have shared the same details with them that I mentioned to the media earlier today. I am committed to cooperating with the police investigation as needed.”
The case has taken another turn with rumors circulating that singer Gitali Devi was involved in helping Sumi Borah escape. Reports suggested that Gitali Devi was seen at the residence of musician Baban, who lives in the same building as Dikshu Sarma.
Reacting to the rumors, Dikshu Sarma refuted the claims, saying, “Yesterday, singer Gitali Devi visited musician Baban’s house. Baban and I live in the same apartment. The allegation that Gitali helped Sumi Borah escape is false. Gitali does not even drive a car. Such false information is damaging and hurtful.”
Meanwhile, in response to the rumors, Gitali Devi took to her Facebook page to clarify her stance: “There have been false reports suggesting that I helped someone escape, which is not true. I don’t even drive. I visited the building to meet a friend, and my husband was with me. I have no connection with Sumi Borah or her husband, and I am unaware of their disappearance.”
The investigation into Sumi Borah’s case continues as the Assam police seek to unravel the mystery surrounding her and her husband’s sudden vanishing.