The crackdown against corrupt officials in Assam continues with the Directorate of Vigilance and Anti-Corruption making their 50th bust of the ongoing year. On Monday, the anti-corruption cell caught an Executive Engineer in the Irrigation Department in Nalbari.
The accused was trapped red-handed after accepting Rs 1,00,000 as bribe from the complainant. Taking to social media, the agency said that this was the 50th trap of the year.
The anti-corruption body has said that the traps have so far led to 61 arrests including as many as 57 public servants, while asserting that efforts to catch dishonest government servants officials.
Notably, the complainant had approached the agency about the matter after which a carefully planned raid was organized. Today, when the accused, Simanta Lahkar, an Executive Engineer with the Irrigation Department, was accepting the bribe amount at his rented house.
“Today @DIR_VAC_ASSAM trapped red handed Simanta Lahkar, Executive Engineer, (Irrigation) Nalbari after he accepted Rs. 1,00,000/- as bribe from the complainant in his rented house at Nalbari for processing estimate of works,” the anti-corruption agency wrote on X.