A tragic drowning incident occurred at Kamranga in Lakhipur, Cachar district, Assam, where a husband and wife, identified as Jaggu Kal and Anjana Kal, lost their lives. The couple, both labourers, had gone to bath in the Chiri River after completing their work last Saturday.
Reports indicate that during their bath, Anjana Kal suddenly went under the water and drowned. Her husband, Jaggu Kal, attempted to rescue her but also succumbed to the drowning. Following the incident, a search operation led by police and SDRF forces was launched, but initial efforts to find the couple proved unsuccessful.
The bodies of Jaggu Kal and Anjana Kal were eventually recovered from the river near Lakhipur Kangali Basti, several kilometers from the original location on Monday.
Local residents first discovered the bodies and notified the authorities. The police, along with SDRF personnel, reached the scene and transported the bodies to Silchar Medical College for post-mortem examination.