A tragic incident unfolded in Tarapur’s Shivbari in Silchar, as Biprojyoti Kar, a final-year MBBS student at Silchar Medical College, committed suicide late at night on Tuesday.
Biprojyoti was found hanging in a room of his house with a note expressing his inability to cope with depression.
The heartbreaking suicide note read, "Maa forgive me, I am going alone leaving you. I can't bear depression anymore."
The young medical student ended his life by hanging himself from a ceiling fan. The incident occurred just before he was supposed to leave for Bangalore by train. Around 9 PM, Biprojyoti informed his mother that he was stepping out for a short while. Instead, he entered another room in the house, locked the door, and committed suicide.
After some time, Biprojyoti’s mother grew concerned when she noticed the door was still closed. She sought help, and neighbors forced open the door to find his lifeless body hanging from the ceiling fan.
The suicide note found next to the body further stated that "No one is responsible for my suicide," adding that he was acting of his own will due to his ongoing battle with depression.
Cachar Police arrived at the scene, recovered the body, and sent it to Silchar Medical College Hospital (SMCH) for a postmortem.
The incident has caused widespread shock and grief in the Shivbari area, raising questions about why such a brilliant student was suffering from severe depression.