A significant theft has shocked Silchar as Manna Paul, a manager at Tanishq Jewellers, has gone missing with ornaments worth Rs 1.5 crore. The incident occurred at the Tanishq Jewellers outlet in the Premtola locality of Silchar town in Assam’s Barak Valley.
Manna Paul, who had been managing the Premtola showroom since its inception, became the centre of suspicion in recent months.
According to the management, concerns over Manna's intentions led to adjustments in the stock at the showroom, which eventually uncovered the theft. Efforts to contact Manna were unsuccessful, leading to the registration of a theft case at the Silchar Sadar police station.
The police are now investigating the matter and have launched a search for Manna, who is suspected to have fled the state with the stolen gold, diamonds, and platinum jewellery.
The incident has caused a stir in Silchar, with police working diligently to locate the absconding manager and recover the stolen items.