Former Chief Minister of Assam Tarun Gogoi's health condition has not shown signs of improvement. He was admitted to the Gauhati Medical College and Hospital (GMCH) on November 1 after his health deteriorated.
Although it has been reiterated that Gogoi's health deteriorated since Wednesday, doctors at GMCH said that he is now stable. "He is drowsy. Not talking much but he is communicating through signs and hand gestures," said doctors adding that he is stable but the next few hours are critical.
Gogoi was admitted to GMCH at 10.30 pm on November 1 after he had complained of breathing problems. He was discharged on October 25 after 60 days of hospitalization post-COVID-19 recovery.
The GMCH doctors also had consultation through video call with doctors of AIIMS regarding the line of treatment needed for the 86-year old veteran Congress leader.
Senior Congress leaders in Assam are in constant touch with Gogoi's family members and are extending all possible help.