Assam’s Tinsukia has been gripped by unrest following a violent incident on Wednesday night. A local youth was brutally attacked by a group of 7-8 non-Assamese individuals on Khageshwar Road.
The attack left the victim identified as Ridip Deka with severe head injuries, requiring eight stitches.
The assault has ignited widespread outrage among local organizations and residents. Protesters have taken to the streets, burning tires at key intersections and demanding immediate action against the attackers. The local organisations of Tinsukia have issued a stern warning, stating that the attackers' family must apologize to Deka’s family or face severe consequences.
Tensions have been high in Tinsukia following recent incidents involving Assamese youths, exacerbating the situation. The incident has also drawn a strong response from local political parties and student groups, who are calling for justice and heightened security measures.
The Tinsukia police are actively investigating the attack, and one suspect, identified as Ajay Singh, has been arrested in connection with the incident. Authorities are working to manage the escalating situation and prevent further violence.