
Epic number in voter ID

The EPIC number, which stands for Electors Photo Identification Card number, is the unique identification number assigned to each voter ID card.

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Epic number in voter ID

Epic number in voter ID

The EPIC number, which stands for Electors Photo Identification Card number, is the unique identification number assigned to each voter ID card. Issued by the Election Commission of India, the voter ID card serves as a valid form of identification for Indian citizens who are 18 years old and above. Additionally, it enables citizens to exercise their voting rights in municipal, state, and national elections.


Definition of Epic Number in Voter ID

A voter ID is an essential document for every Indian citizen, serving as proof of identity and eligibility to participate in the electoral process upon reaching the requisite age criteria.

The Election Photo Identity Card (EPIC), commonly referred to as a Voter's ID card, plays a crucial role in facilitating the voting process. The EPIC number, a unique 10-digit identifier assigned by the Election Commission, enables individuals to exercise their right to vote.

This article aims to explain the significance of the EPIC number in a Voter ID and guides how to locate your EPIC number within your Voter ID.

Finding Your EPIC Number Without Your Voter ID Card

If you don't have your voter identification card, you can still obtain your EPIC Number by following these steps:

1. Visit the official website of the National Voters' Service Portal.

2. Provide the necessary details, including your name, birthdate, father's or husband's name, gender, and state.

3. Click on the 'Search' button after entering the captcha code correctly.

4. If the provided information matches the records, your EPIC number will be displayed at the bottom of the screen.

How to Download Voter ID using EPIC Number

To download your EPIC card from the Election Commission of India Portal, follow these steps:

1. Visit the website of the Election Commission of India.

2. Navigate to the "Download e-EPIC" option on the homepage and click on it.

3. Enter the one-time password (OTP) sent to your registered mobile number along with your e-EPIC number or Form 16 number.

4. Click on the 'Download EPIC Online' option to complete the process.

Additionally, individuals can take the following steps to download their digital electoral card from the National Voters Service Portal and verify their voter ID EPIC number:

1. Sign up or log in to the NVSP website.

2. Enter either the EPIC Number or the Form Reference Number.

3. Input the OTP received on the registered mobile number, then select the "download e-EPIC" option to finalize the process.

This document can be downloaded to verify the EPIC number on the voter ID.

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What does epic stand?

EPIC stands for Electors Photo Identity Card commonly known as Voter ID. The Indian voter ID card is an identity document issued by the Election Commission of India which primarily serves as an identity proof for Indian citizens while casting votes in the country's state and national elections.

What is the meaning of epic in document verification?

This document also proves that its bearer is eligible to cast their vote and participate in the election process in India after reaching the eligible age criteria. An Election Photo Identity Card (EPIC), also known as a Voter's ID card, is a crucial part of the voting process.

What are epic ids?

EPIC stands for Electors Photo Identification Card and the EPIC number is the voter ID card number. Issued by the Election Commission of India, the voter ID card serves as identification proof for Indian citizens over the age of 18.

Epic number in voter ID