
How to Find Serial Numbers in Electoral Roll

The serial number on a voter ID card is a unique identifier assigned to each registered voter in India.

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How to Find Serial Numbers in Electoral Roll

How to Find Serial Numbers in Electoral Roll

While some eligible voters in our country opt not to vote despite having a valid Election Card, others refrain from applying for a Voter ID Card due to perceived complexities and lengthy procedures.


Even if they manage to register in the electoral roll, many individuals avoid correcting any errors or discrepancies in their details because they are unwilling to spend an entire day waiting in long queues. However, nowadays, the process has become much more convenient. With access to the internet, you can apply for a Voter ID, make changes, cancel, or download a copy instantly. All it requires is gathering the necessary information and completing the online procedure.

Definition of Serial Number

The serial number on a voter ID card is a unique identifier assigned to each registered voter in India. It plays a crucial role in accurately identifying voter profiles and is essential for making corrections to the voter ID.

To find the serial number in the electoral roll, there are two methods available. One option is to check the voter ID cards of your family members or neighbors, as the serial number will be visible on the front side of their cards.

In case you have lost your own Election Card, you can retrieve details such as the part number, serial number, and other related information by accessing online resources provided by the Election Commission.

 How to find out the serial number in your voter ID card online

1. Visit the official website of the Election Commission of India.

2. Navigate to the list of states and select your state.

3. Choose your district from the options provided.

4. You'll be prompted to search for your profile either by district details or by your account details.

5. Alternatively, you can search for your profile by entering your full name or EPIC Number.

6. After entering the details, click on "Proceed" to initiate the search.

7. You'll see a list of profiles that match the search criteria.

8. Select your profile from the list to access your details, including your Part Number and Serial Number of the Voter ID Card.

9. You can download the Voter ID Card in PDF format and print it out for your reference.

10. Thanks to technology, applying, canceling, or making changes to your Voter ID Card has become quick and convenient. Take advantage of these online services to obtain your Election Card without delay!

Also Read: How to Correct Name in Voter ID Card

What is part number and serial number?

In other words, a part number identifies any particular (physical) part as being made to that one unique design; a serial number, when used, identifies a particular (physical) part (one physical instance), as differentiated from the next unit that was stamped, machined, or extruded right after it.

Who is the chief election commissioner of India?

Chief Election Commissioner

Sh. Rajiv Kumar, Election Commissioner in ECI since 1st September 2020, took charge as the 25th Chief Election Commissioner on 15th May 2022.

Which number is a serial number?

A serial number (SN) is a number assigned to each individual product in order to distinguish that product from all others.

Find Serial Numbers in Electoral Roll