The Rajya Sabha on Monday passed the Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi (Amendment) Bill, 2023.
The bill empowers the Lieutenant Governor of Delhi to make rules for Delhi Government officers and employees, including appointments, transfers and postings.
Reportedly, the bill was passed after 131 MPs voted in favour and 102 voted against it.
The bill was moved for passing in the House by Union Home Minister Amit Shah. Deputy Chairman Harivansh, who presided over the voting, also ordered a probe into the claims of a few MPs who said that their names had been included without consent in the proposed select committee.
During a heated debate in the Rajya Sabha, Amit Shah said that the Indian Constitution empowers the Parliament to enact laws for National Capital Territory of Delhi.
The Bill empowers the LG to exercise his sole discretion on several matters including those recommended by the National Capital Civil Services Authority, and the summoning, prorogation and dissolution of the Delhi Legislative Assembly. It authorizes department secretaries to bring to the notice of the LG, the Chief Minister and the Chief Secretary any matter that may bring Delhi Government into controversy with the Central Government.