In a shocking incident this afternoon, Harpreet Singh, an IRS officer in the irrigation department, was fatally shot inside the Chandigarh Family Court. The alleged assailant is Malwinder Singh Sidhu, a suspended assistant inspector general of the Punjab police and Singh's father-in-law.
The tragic event unfolded during a mediation session between the two families, who were present at the court to resolve a domestic dispute. Sidhu, who had excused himself to use the washroom, was escorted by Singh. Moments later, five shots rang out. Sidhu fired the shots, two of which struck Singh, causing him to collapse on the court floor.
Disturbing footage from the court complex captured the immediate aftermath, showing Singh lying on the ground as onlookers urgently called for medical help. “He has been shot. Please someone take him to a hospital,” a bystander was heard pleading.
Lawyers present at the scene intervened quickly, apprehending Sidhu and locking him in a room until the police arrived. Singh, despite the desperate efforts of those around him, succumbed to his injuries on the way to the hospital.
The police have detained Sidhu, and an investigation is underway to understand the full circumstances surrounding this tragic incident.