In an untoward incident from Uttar Pradesh’s Agra, a 24-year-old man claimed he was buried alive by four individuals over a land dispute and he survived only after stray dogs dug him up.
On July 18, Kishore alleged that he was assaulted and strangled by Ankit, Gaurav, Karan, and Akash in the Artoni area of Agra. Believing him to be dead, the assailants buried him on their farm.
However, Kishore miraculously survived the ordeal.
While buried, Kishore regained consciousness due to stray dogs digging at the spot where he was interred. The dogs' actions led to Kishore waking up, and he managed to free himself and seek help from local residents. He was subsequently transported to a hospital for treatment.
Kishore's mother has accused the four men of forcibly taking her son from their home. The police have launched an investigation and are actively working to apprehend the suspects, who are currently on the run.