In a tragic road accident, four Indian Army personnel lost their lives on Thursday while traveling from Pedong in West Bengal to Zuluk along the Silk Route in Sikkim's Pakyong district.
The deceased soldiers have been identified as driver Pradeep Patel from Madhya Pradesh, craftsman W. Peter from Manipur, Naik Gursev Singh from Haryana, and Subedar K. Thangapandi from Tamil Nadu. All four were part of a unit based in Binaguri, West Bengal, the Indian Army confirmed.
This accident follows a similar incident on August 28, when three army personnel died, and several others were injured after a military truck skidded off the road and fell into a deep gorge in Arunachal Pradesh's Upper Subansiri district. The accident occurred around 6 am on the Trans-Arunachal Highway near Tapi village.
The soldiers involved in that accident were identified as Havildar Nakhat Singh, Naik Mukesh Kumar, and Grenadier Ashish Kumar. The truck was part of a convoy transporting personnel from Daporijo to Basar in Leparada district. Local residents quickly responded to the scene, helping rescue the injured and recover the bodies of the deceased.
Both incidents have cast a somber shadow over the army, highlighting the challenges faced by military personnel operating in remote and rugged terrains.