In a tragic incident, three army personnel from the 19 Grenadiers stationed in Rupai HQ, Tinsukia, lost their lives when their vehicle skidded and plunged into a deep gorge along the Indo-China border in Arunachal Pradesh on August 28, 2024.
The soldiers were returning from a training exercise in Bora Rupak when the accident occurred. The deceased have been identified as Havaldar Nakhat Singh, Naik Mukesh Kumar, and Grenadier Ashish.
Four other personnel were injured in the accident. Two of them, who were gravely injured, were airlifted to the Army Field Hospital in Jorhat for treatment and are reported to be out of danger. Another soldier escaped with minor injuries.
The bodies of the deceased have been sent to the Army Medical College in Dibrugarh for post-mortem. Further details are awaited as investigations are ongoing.