Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday reviewed the COVID-19 situation of the Northeastern states through a virtual meeting with the Chief Ministers of the states. The Prime Minister appealed the people to not flock tourist destinations in wake of a slowing second wave of the pandemic and said that 'we should prevent the third wave from happening.'
During the virtual meeting with the chief ministers, PM Narendra Modi said that the thoughts should not be 'when will the third wave hit?' or let us go and enjoy a bit before the pandemic hits for the third time. "We should all be thoughtful of the situation and prevent the third wave from happening. The crowding of tourist places in hill stations that I am seeing currently is a matter of concern. We should not let our guard down this way," said Narendra Modi.
PM Narendra Modi further stated that the visuals of people travelling without face masks at hill stations and crowding market places is not acceptable as the virus mutates quickly and people should be more conscious.
He said, "The number of Covid-19 cases is rising. We need to take strict action to curb the situation at the micro-level. We need to keep an eye on Covid variants. Experts are studying them. We need to encourage people to follow Covid-appropriate behaviour."
He reiterated the importance of the '3-T formula' in order to defeat the Covid-19 virus, and said that the only way to defeat the virus is the 'Test-Track-Treat' method which India has been doing since last year.
The meeting was attended by CMs of Assam, Nagaland, Tripura, Sikkim, Manipur, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh and Mizoram.
The interaction was decided in wake of a spike in Covid-19 cases in the northeast despite a drop in fresh cases across India.
More than three out of every five districts that reported a test positivity rate of more than 10 percent over the past week are in the Northeast, said reports.
According to the data tracked by the Union Health Ministry, of the 58 districts that reported a positivity rate higher than 10 percent between July 5 and July 11, as many as 37 were from the Northeast.
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