The Railway Protection Force (RPF) of North Frontier Railway (N.F. Railway) has intensified its efforts to combat the issue of touts. During a series of operations conducted from July 17 to July 31, 2024, the RPF apprehended 11 touts and recovered 64 railway tickets valued at over Rs. 2.85 lakhs.
On July 17, 2024, a joint raid by the RPF and the Criminal Investigation Branch (CIB) of Alipurduar Junction targeted the PRS counter at Dhupguri. The operation led to the recovery of 14 tickets worth approximately Rs. 89,587 and the arrest of one tout. A case was registered under Section 143 of the Railways Act at Jalpaiguri Road for further legal proceedings.
Throughout the year, up to July 31, 2024, the RPF of N.F. Railway has arrested 148 touts and seized a total of 1,100 tickets valued at around Rs. 29.38 lakhs. These actions reflect the RPF's ongoing commitment to curbing unauthorized ticket sales and ensuring a secure travel environment for passengers.
Passengers are encouraged to travel with legitimate tickets to avoid complications. For any issues during train journeys, passengers can contact the toll-free number 139 for assistance.