In a recent parliamentary session, Ashwini Vaishnaw, the Minister of Railways, Information & Broadcasting, and Electronics & Information Technology, announced the launch of the Amrit Bharat Station Scheme (ABSS). This ambitious initiative aims to modernize and upgrade railway stations across the country with a long-term, continuous development approach.
The Amrit Bharat Station Scheme focuses on creating Master Plans for the redevelopment of railway stations, to be implemented in phases. The scheme aims to enhance passenger amenities, including better station access, improved waiting halls, toilets, and lift/escalator facilities. It also includes cleanliness initiatives, free Wi-Fi, kiosks promoting local products through the 'One Station One Product' scheme, advanced passenger information systems, executive lounges, business meeting spaces, and landscaping efforts.
In addition to these improvements, the scheme plans to upgrade station buildings, integrate stations with both sides of cities, ensure multimodal transport integration, and provide amenities for persons with disabilities (Divyangjan). The plan also emphasizes sustainable and environmentally friendly solutions, such as the installation of ballast-less tracks where feasible. In the long term, the scheme envisions the creation of city centers at railway stations.
A total of 1,324 stations have been selected for redevelopment under this scheme, based on proposals received from Zonal Railways, with a particular focus on stations in major cities and towns. In the Northeast Frontier Railway zone, 91 stations will undergo redevelopment under the ABSS.
Indian Railways is also committed to making its stations more accessible to persons with disabilities, in line with the "Sugamya Bharat Mission" or 'Accessible India Campaign.' The guidelines for station accessibility, notified in the official Gazette of India, include provisions such as entrance ramps, accessible parking, low-height ticket counters, accessible toilets, drinking water booths, subways and foot over bridges with ramps or lifts, standard signage including Braille and tactile pathways for the visually impaired.
The redevelopment of these stations is expected to create new employment and business opportunities, positioning upgraded stations as centers of socio-economic activity and promoting both connectivity and economic growth in the regions they serve.