Vice President of India Jagdeep Dhankhar presided over the 10th National Handloom Day celebrations held at Vigyan Bhawan in New Delhi alongside Union Minister of Textiles Giriraj Singh. The event, which saw participation from MPs, designers, industry representatives, senior government officers, and over 1,000 weavers from across India, was a grand showcase of the country's rich textile heritage.
During the event, the Vice President visited an exhibition that displayed the diverse and historical legacy of Indian textiles, interacting with the weavers who presented a unique collection of hand-woven treasures from various regions of the country. Dhankhar expressed his admiration for the craftsmanship and talent of the artisans, underscoring the importance of supporting the handloom industry as part of Prime Minister Narendra Modi's vision of "Vocal for Local" and "Local to Global."
In his address to the gathering, which included over 1,000 weavers and artisans, the Vice President highlighted the vital role of the handloom sector in India's economy. He urged the nation to embrace economic nationalism by supporting handloom products, thus contributing to the preservation and growth of this timeless art form.
The event also featured the presentation of the Sant Kabir Awards and National Handloom Awards, recognizing the exceptional contributions of handloom weavers in the industry. Additionally, the Textile Minister, Giriraj Singh, released the Award Catalogue and a Coffee Table Book titled “Parampara: Sustainability in Handloom Traditions of India.”
The audience's enthusiasm was palpable, especially during a fashion show organized by young designers and students of the National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT), who showcased innovative blends of tradition and technology in textile design.
In closing, the Vice President called on everyone to take pride in wearing and promoting handloom products, ensuring that this art remains a vibrant part of India's cultural and economic fabric.